Welcome to the “Terms and Conditions of the Entrepreneur Program”.

These Terms and Conditions of the Entrepreneur Program describe the policies

Of: M.M. LLC (onwards SANSA Group)

Dirección: 7345 W Sand Lake Rd 210 3640 – Orlando, Florida 32819, United States of America.

Email: info@sansaenergy.com

Phone: +1 305 929 3396.

Note: We may modify these Terms and Conditions of the Entrepreneur Program at any time without any prior notice to you and post the revised version Terms and Conditions of the Entrepreneur Program.

Therefore, we recommend that you periodically review this page.


In the SANSA Group, we want to always be surrounded by the best entrepreneurs, honest people, with business ethics and passionate about new technologies.

We always work as a team and although we admire spontaneity, independence and individual challenges, we are more committed to teamwork, organized and well directed. So a mix of both things (independence and teamwork), we know is one of the best formulas to achieve goals and success.

Being an Entrepreneur of the SANSA Group is much more than belonging to any typical Entrepreneur program. Our entrepreneurs are a fundamental part of the Human Team, and we allocate a very important part of personnel and resources to serve, empower and train our entrepreneurs.


Each Entrepreneur is directly linked to a Mentor or Team Leader to be able to provide solutions, answers, etc., in the shortest possible time and in the quickest and most effective way.


Through contacts made directly through our own media such as: websites, social networks, social bookmarks, events, fairs, etc., we will promote and reward our entrepreneurs, offering them those potential clients so that they can serve them and be part of of its customer base.

We will also promote them through the Dealers in your area (city, region or country).


This chapter is of vital importance for the good and perfect development of any type of activity and work, since good training will make the entrepreneur count more of his time, obtain better results, be more effective for his potential clients and feel fully fulfilled.

Training is not a subject that has a beginning and an end, since the world is always in constant evolution and it is for this reason that in the Grupo SANSA we have a Training department, so that our entire team is always trained and updated.

There are mainly two types of Training, commercial and technical.


Our Marketing team will train all our entrepreneurs in the most modern sales and advertising techniques. Through its training, it will help entrepreneurs, in addition to generating income and sales in the line of direct sales to the public, also manage to have Dealers (sale and/or rental) in their Areas and sell in the Industrial Division and Large Accounts. how to sell to City Councils, Government Delegations, Ministries, Fire Stations, Police, Army, Civil Rescue, factories, Industry, Agencies and a long etc.


Our Product Managers and our Quality Inspectors are our best professionals to talk about the quality of our products, as well as the advantages and improvements compared to other similar products from other brands.

However, we would like to highlight that at the SANSA Group we do not seek or offer a product that is the cheapest and with mediocre quality. We sell all over the world (all 5 continents) and we don’t want to waste time and money on repairs, service personnel and returns. That is why we simply offer THE BEST, our end customers will always receive the best product currently available, in terms of features and components.

Logically, the best is not always cheap. But through our internal sustainability and carbon footprint reduction policies, it provides us with a considerable reduction in our internal expenses, positioning us as a “Gazelle Company (free of bureaucracies)” and a work organization in “Mayan Structure”. The final result being one of the best “Quality-Price” relationships in the world market.

Our goal is to make a brand and style and that within a few years SANSA will be the leading brand of electric vehicles and smart batteries. So we’re counting on you.

Work Tools

In the previous points we have already talked about teamwork and the human staff that is there to help entrepreneurs achieve their success. Well, in addition, we also offer our entrepreneurs a management tool that is undoubtedly the most powerful on the market, it is the best management software that currently exists worldwide.

And it is this management software that all our entrepreneurs will have and work with.

Program Operation

The SANSA Group Entrepreneur Program works as follows:

1.- Through his own media, the Entrepreneur disseminates discount coupons, videos, images (still and animated), banners, dynamic creations, QR codes, short links and all types of texts about SANSA Energy (https://sansaenergy.com) that include a unique URL, which identifies the Entrepreneur.

2.- The Entrepreneur’s action generates clicks on the URL of those images, videos, dynamic creations, QRs and texts, which direct visits to the different web platforms of SANSA Group (Energy or Business).

3.- Web to Store Links. If the Entrepreneur has a website, forum, blog, application, e-commerce, etc. The Entrepreneur may link a site to the SANSA Group. store. Example, creating a tab on your website that says “Store” or “Products” and when the visitor to your website clicks on these tabs, it automatically redirects them to the SANSA Energy.

4.- SANSA Group tracks the visits generated by the Entrepreneur and records that information at the time those visitors create a new account, generating , thus, the relationship between the user (end customer) and the Entrepreneur who directed him to SANSA Group.

5.- As long as the Entrepreneur has control over the Account Creation process in SANSA Group he must use the tool created for that purpose.

6.- For each sale SANSA Group (store products and/or licenses of Entrepreneurs or Dealers) that that client does, the respective Entrepreneur receives his corresponding commission.

7.- Whenever a discount coupon from an Entrepreneur was used in a sale of the SANSA Group (products of the store and/or licenses of Entrepreneurs or Dealers), the Entrepreneur who has said exclusive coupon will receive the corresponding commission and will be associated with that client and will therefore earn commissions on all future payments of the same.

8.- Customer Commissions for Life (lifetime). As long as an Entrepreneur remains active within the SANSA Group (generating sales every month), he will have Guaranteed commission on all future purchases made by your customers. This means that the clients will be yours as long as the Entrepreneur is active.

9.- MLM (Entrepreneurial Marketing). One of the main advantages of starting a new project is that there are many positions and positions to fill and conquer. And for this reason, the SANSA Group, software is also prepared to manage all sales of all “New Entrepreneurs and/or Dealers” who have managed to sponsor a current Entrepreneur. In this way, the “father” or “mentor” Entrepreneur will have the possibility of collecting commissions from ALL sales made by his “New Entrepreneurs and/or Dealers”.

10.- Creations of Marketing Campaigns. The Entrepreneur can create as many Campaigns as he wants or needs, he can create Independent Campaigns for social networks, for example, Campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, X, etc., also in social bookmarks such as WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. Campaigns on their own websites, in forums, etc. You will be able to create Campaigns with different media (banners, images, animated gifs, dynamic images, videos, texts, etc.) and see the statistics of the results of the Campaigns in real time in your management software, thus, the Entrepreneur You will be able to analyze what gives you the best results when recruiting.

Obligations of the Entrepreneur

The Entrepreneur undertakes to promote the platforms of the SANSA Group to the visitors of its digital spaces, using for this purpose, the promotional elements provided by the SANSA Group and the training of commercial techniques and advertising. And confirming that each linked item contains its URL (unique and specific) and/or the Discount Coupon. Another advantage of our software is that the entire immense variety of Discount Coupons are personalized with your NAME or the name you choose (Example. MyNAME-20), they are exclusive.

The relationship between SANSA Group and the Entrepreneur does not constitute any type of company or association, since the two Legal entities are independent and autonomous, with no employment relationship between the parties.

SANSA Group Obligations

SANSA Group undertakes to carry out all the necessary procedures to facilitate the sale of the services and products of the SANSA Group (access to systems, functionalities, technical support, payment management, etc.) and the correct attribution of profits to the Entrepreneur through the analysis of its specific URL.

The Entrepreneurs will have in the software application a complete graph with all the sales of their direct clients, as well as the sales of their Entrepreneurs or sponsored Dealers, so in this way, they can always guarantee that they obtain the correct commission from ALL their clients.


1.- The Entrepreneur has a percentage of the value of each order (store products and/or licenses of Entrepreneurs or Dealers) that has been generated directly (personal deals and agreements) or indirectly (coupons, links, etc.).
2.- In the sale of store products and/or licenses of Entrepreneurs or Dealers, the SANSA Group will reward the Entrepreneur with a commission on the NET total (without taxes and shipping costs included) of the order.

3.- As long as the Entrepreneur remains active in our company (sales every month), he will have his clients for life and for life. This helps the Entrepreneur to have an excellent customer base and be able to continue selling the newest products, replacements, accessories and referrals from their own customers.

4.- All the members of the SANSA Group love and adore meritocracy, we are encouraged to be able to grow, not to having roofs, being able to give everything and receive everything. In the commercial and entrepreneurial world, one does not always earn as much as one works. But that does not happen with us, here we do apply the maxim of “You are worth as much as you earn”, that is, you can earn everything you set your mind to and for this we offer the following to all our Entrepreneurs:

.- Direct Sales Commissions

.- Commissions per Number of Units Sold

.- Commissions by Number of Orders

.- Monthly Prize for reaching a certain number of Orders

.- Monthly Award for achieving the sales goal

.- Monthly Award for achieving the commission goal

.- Other quarterly, semi-annual and annual Awards

5.- MLM (Entrepreneurial Marketing). An Entrepreneur from the SANSA Group, will also generate and obtain commissions on the sales generated by their clients. “Entrepreneurs and/or Dealers”.

6.- All commissions will accumulate in the Entrepreneur’s account in their management software, and will be payable every month between the 5th and 10th. The possibility is also offered that part or all of the commissions can be advanced if the Entrepreneur You need them for some reason before the stipulated date. It is understood that this would be an exceptional and occasional measure.

7.- The Entrepreneur will have many help and analysis tools in his management software, to always achieve the best results. You will be able to consult in your Entrepreneur Panel the number of visits generated from your Entrepreneur URL, the number of New Entrepreneurs and Dealers, the number of product sales conversions, the sales of your Entrepreneurs and Dealers, the marketing campaigns, and much more.

8.- Management cookies. Clicks made on the Entrepreneur’s URL generate a cookie valid for 180 days. So each new account made in the SANSA Group that comes from that click, will only be attributed to the Entrepreneur if the account is created during that period of time. On the other hand, the Discount Coupons are only useful during their promotion period and the own links (Entrepreneur URL) never expire.

9.- In the event of cancellation or non-payment of any order by a customer originated by the URL, coupons, or any other means by which the sale has been commissioned and attributed to an Entrepreneur, the value of the corresponding profits will not be attributed to said Entrepreneur.

10.- The commissions that SANSA Group pays the Entrepreneur and that make up the latter’s cumulative balance, will always be made in American Dollars (USD).

11.- When a customer uses a discount code (entrepreneur coupon) from an Entrepreneur, in addition to the commission of that payment being assigned to the Entrepreneur of that coupon, a recurrence relationship is also established between the two. The Entrepreneur will thus receive commissions on all future orders from that customer. As long as the Entrepreneur is active (generating sales every month).

12.- Each Entrepreneur will have the amount of the commissions and the amount of the prizes in their Management Software and will have statistics on their sales, orders, products and goal achievement bars.


1.- SANSA Group will pay the Entrepreneur the profits from all sales that are completed.

2.- Profits will be attributed only after payment for the sale is verified and invoiced. All profits are calculated and processed immediately and will be attributed to the Entrepreneur’s account in profit balance.

3.- Every month between the 5th and 10th, all commissions and prizes earned by the Entrepreneur will be paid. To do this, the Entrepreneur will have to make an invoice or issue a legally valid document to SANSA Group with the value of those profits and upload that invoice or legal document through your Entrepreneur Panel easily and simply (with a single click).

4.- If the documents in the previous point are not issued or do not comply, payment for said request will be suspended.

5.- The payment methods for the Entrepreneur’s profits can be through PayPal (with a commission cost for the entrepreneur who charges PayPal of 2.5%), Stripe (with a commission cost for the entrepreneur who charges Stripe of 1. 5%) or Bank Transfer (without commission costs for the Entrepreneur).

Exclusion from the program

SANSA Group reserves the right to exclude the Entrepreneur from the Program if:

1.- Violates the Terms and Conditions of the SANSA Group Entrepreneur Program, which the Entrepreneur has accepted when creating your account at SANSA Energy.

2.- Use your Entrepreneur URL on unauthorized pages and images in the SANSA Group Entrepreneur Program..

3.- Inappropriately uses the name, brand, images, texts and pages (although partially) of the different sites of the SANSA Group that have not been authorized in writing.

4.- Carry out paid advertising (search engines, social networks, etc.) with the key term “SANSA Group” and with links pointing to the official URL of the SANSA Group.

5.- Promote the SANSA Group on pages that contain content that encourages any form of violence, illegal activities, discrimination racial, sexual, social, religious, age or nationality and violates copyright or intellectual property rights.

6.- Use any means (including cookie stuffing) to pervert the use of the Entrepreneur Program, with the aim of obtaining profits illegally.

7.- Impersonates SANSA Group. The Entrepreneur may always promote himself as an Entrepreneur or our collaborator, but never speak on our behalf.

8.- Create offers different from those provided by SANSA Group without express authorization from SANSA Group or its direct manager.

9.- Comment on SANSA Group posts/publications with the aim of enjoying the traffic generated by SANSA Group using its Entrepreneur link.

10.- Being inactive (without any access to the program platform) for more than 3 months without justification. This evaluation is carried out monthly.

11.- We do not assign fees to the Entrepreneur’s own SANSA Group accounts. Attempting this action is punishable by exclusion from the program.

Any of these situations will constitute serious infractions that will lead to the immediate exclusion of the Entrepreneur from the Entrepreneur Program and the retention of the corresponding profits, without any responsibility on the part of SANSA Group for losses or damages of the Entrepreneur.


This contract for the provision of services will begin on the date on which the Entrepreneur’s accession to the Entrepreneur Program is accepted by SANSA Group and will be in force for an indefinite period, and may be terminated at any time by the Entrepreneur or by SANSA Group, with or without reason. The relationship between SANSA Group and the Entrepreneur does not constitute a partnership, association or employment relationship for any purpose or for legislative purposes, since the two legal entities are independent and autonomous.


1.- Communications between the parties, regarding participation in this program, including the request for services, alteration of rules or anything that involves the topic in question, will be made via email.

2.- It is the responsibility of the Entrepreneur to guarantee availability to receive communications made by the SANSA Group Entrepreneur Program and its manager. If this were not the case, you run the risk of not being informed of any alteration in the operation of the Program, and SANSA Group cannot be held responsible for the lack of information.

3.- SANSA Group will regularly send messages to the Entrepreneur in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Competent Forum

Disputes arising from the interpretation and application of this contract will be resolved by common agreement between the parties and, in the last case, settled through judicial means, for which, from now on, both parties stipulate the jurisdiction of the Orlando FL forum. , with the express waiver of any other.

To clarify any questions about these Terms and Conditions or obtain more information about the SANSA Group Entrepreneur Program, contact us.