Always Offering the Best

About Us

We are a great Group of Professionals, who have come together to offer the best of ourselves.


Presence in 65 countries

The most complete catalog on the market, with the best prices and technical service.

We supply individuals, professionals and general industry, from 1 unit to Large Fleets. We are always at the forefront with the most current and highest quality.

  • SANSA Earth
  • SANSA Sea
  • SANSA Air
  • SANSA Batteries

We will be happy to assist you Contact Us Without Obligation

The Revolution of the 21st Century

Changing the World

We want you to help us change the world, be part of the revolution. As a client, friend, collaborator, advisor, etc. Share on Social Networks.

The World needs Ecology and Sustainability and the SANSA Group is the company of excellence of the 21st Century.

Being a SANSA customer or SANSA Investor is a sign of identity, of quality, of always having and offering the best. We only join the best. Will it be you?

For us, end customer satisfaction is EVERYTHING, which is why each product is tracked from start to delivery.

The Formula of Success

The Work Process

At the SANSA Group, we work organized and in perfect harmony to achieve our goals.

Stronger every day

Expanding Products

We are creating the most complete product catalog on the market. We want the best for you.

Estamos trabajando para tener los mejores vehículos eléctricos.

Vamos a ofrecer la gama más grande de vehículos eléctricos, cada semana iremos incluyendo más novedades. Si estás interesado en un producto que no tengamos aún en el catálogo, contacta con nosotros y te diremos fechas o la información que necesites. También puedes consultar con nuestros Emprendedores o Concesionarios. Grado de Consecución:

SANSA Tierra
SANSA Baterías

Our Timeline

\"The time that is enjoyed is the true time lived\". Jorge Bucay

March 2022
The SANSA dream is born

A group of successful professionals in different companies, we get together to analyze the new Business Units in an "Ecological and Sustainable" way.

May 2022
The Energy Revolution

We analyzed the aspects of some cons in electric vehicle charging and found a REVOLUTIONARY solution, which will mark an era (soon to be released).

September 2022
Research + Development

We started working on SANSA products (batteries for electric vehicles and the vehicles themselves). We are committed to the highest quality and the best design.

July 2023
Contacts with Manufacturers

After almost a year working in R&D, we began to reach some agreements with several of the best manufacturers in the world to partner with them and have them manufacture and distribute us according to our R&D.

October 2023
Human Team Selection

In October last year we began selecting our Team, we are now a great family willing to face any challenge and help you achieve SUCCESS. And have the best product.

February 2024
Selection of Entrepreneurs and Investors

We are in the penultimate phase before the grand opening, we are selecting the entrepreneurs who will collaborate in the SANSA Group, as well as the Dealers worldwide and those Investors who want the highest profitability with assured success.

March 2024
The New Products

We opened the Online Store to publicize the company with its work methods, investors and products. We also include some electronic vehicles for marketing. Many more articles will be included every week

Do you want to buy or be an entrepreneur?

For more information, contact us without obligation.

Somo Testimonials

At SANSA we don't have clients, we have friends. Our professionalism is based on respect and professional ethics. Help us with your testimonies
